Electric Shock Sitting: Let's take a brief look at this. Which everyone should know.

1] If a person stands on the ground and a part of the body comes in contact with a live line, the person gets an electric shock.

2] An electric shock occurs when two wires of the different polarity of the power supply line or two lines of different voltage come in direct contact even though they are insulated from the ground.

3] If the earthing is not properly attached to the metallic body of the electric machine and the insulation resistance of such body is weak, electric shock will occur if it comes in contact with the body.

4] A person in contact with electricity is shocked if they are touched by another without adequate protection.

                  In this way, due to the electric shock of the person, the person is pushed away and becomes unconscious or sometimes even dies due to sticking to the electricity. So while working on electricity

Telegraphers and electricians should work with extreme caution.

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